加拿大拱心石农业政策组织呼吁 移除农民的碳排放税

2017-3-20 09:17 来源: 搜猪网

  CANADA - The President of Keystone Agricultural Producers is calling for farmers to be exempt from any carbon on the inputs they use to produce food, writes Bruce Cochrane.In September the federal government announced that all provinces must have a carbon pricing system in place by the end of 2018 or it will impose such a system.The Manitoba government is inviting Manitobans to have their say through an on-line survey as it develops a Provincial Climate and Green Plan.Keystone Agricultural Producers President Dan Mazier says, while some jurisdiction are implementing a tax, others, most notably the United States are not so farmers in those jurisdictions where a carbon tax is implemented, especially those that rely on export markets, will be at a distinct disadvantage to those in jurisdictions that don't impost a tax.

  布鲁斯·科克伦(Bruce Cochrane)写道,拱心石农业政策组织(Keystone Agricultural Producers)主席呼吁,应当移除农民们在生产粮食时投入的生产资料上的任何碳排放税。加拿大联邦政府在去年九月宣布,所有生产商必须在2018年底纳入碳定价系统中,或者纳入碳排放税系统中。曼尼托巴省政府正在邀请曼尼托巴省人民,通过一份在线调查来反馈他们想说的,共同打造一个地方性绿色气候计划(Provincial Climate and Green Plan)。拱心石农业政策组织主席Dan Mazier说:“有些司法管辖区正在推行碳排放税,最显著的非美国莫属了,那儿的农民已经开始被征收碳排放税。这样的做法将会使不征收碳税的司法管辖区比征收碳税的司法管辖区在出口市场上更有优势。”

