
2019-5-27 09:33 来源: 财新视听 |作者: 范俏佳



嘉宾:绿色和平全球总干事 詹妮弗·摩根

詹妮弗·摩根,绿色和平全球总干事,达成《巴黎协定》的幕后推手。她从2016 年 4 月开始担任全球性环保组织绿色和平的全球总干事。在这之前,她曾经是世界自然基金会(WWF)、世界资源研究所(WRI)等机构的全球气候项目总监。

二十多年来,气候变化议题一直是她关注的焦点,她深入参与到《联合国气候变化框架公约》下的全球谈判,是现任联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会第五次评估报告的评审专家。就在今年,她被知名的政府间智库型网络Apolitical 评选为“全球气候政策影响力人物 TOP100 人”。



So what's the role of china in the global environment protections. What's our specific?

China is clearly one of the most important players globally, both because it's such an important country on the world stage, and because it is a big contributor to greenhouse gas.So I think that especially now with the trump administration in place,  I think more people are looking to china to play a torch bearing role, to really drive an innovation based economy where emissions are reduced, and where renewable energy grows. And I think particularly for other developing countries, the way that china goes on how china partners with those countries is more important than ever.

I mean I think looking at the growth of renewable energy here in china, looking at the reduction of coal and how china has achieved that is very relevant for places like indonesia or places in africa or you know, all across on the world. And even I would say, you know can provide lessons also for developed countries are back into europe and the united states as well.

Can you be more specific what kind of the efforts developing and developed countries should to make respectively based on their different situations?

Sure. I think what the paris agreement did was say, you know, basically as a world, we need to phase out emissions to zero, because we're in a climate emergency. but clearly, there are different responsibilities that are there. So every country has had some responsibility, but developed countries need to act more quickly. 

发展中国家需要更多的时间去逐步实现零排放,欧盟刚刚提出一项建议说,欧盟应当在2050年之前实现零排放的目标。 绿色和平组织提出的倡议是,欧盟在2040年之前达成目标,以便为发展中国家留出更多的时间。但要知道更快的行动对每个国家而言,都是有利的。
Developing countries would have a bit more time on that. or when they need to get to phasing out and going to zero emissions.  the european union has just put out a proposal that they get there by twenty fifty. Greenpeace is saying they need to be there earlier by twenty forty in order to allow developing countries a bit more time.  but the thing I think to know is that it's in every country's interest to move faster.

You mentioned paris agreement for many times. So what's your evaluation of the overall effect after five years?

Well, I think I think the overall effect is number one. It was a very it was a watershed moment because it brought countries together in a new way to work on climate. I think the key now is on implementation. So how are countries doing on implementation? And I think that's mixed. I think we have to be honest about that. I think some countries are moving forward in our meeting their targets, but I think there's others,that are further behind.  and so I think it really requires a level of diligence on the ground, because it's easy to have kind of a nice statement. But when it gets into, okay, are we facing out cold? Are we bringing in renewable energy? Are we stopping deforestation?  you know, that's where we need all countries to remain vigilant.

