
2020-5-26 09:08 来源: 中国石化新闻网

据彭博社5月25日报道,国际能源署(IEA) 执行董事法蒂赫·比罗尔(Fatih Birol)称,全球石油消费尚未见顶。他在一次采访中表示:“持续的经济复苏和低油价很可能会使全球石油需求回到过去的水平,甚至更高。”




王佳晶 摘译自 彭博社


Global Oil Demand Hasn’t Yet Peaked, Energy Watchdog Predicts

Global oil consumption hasn’t peaked, the head of the International Energy Agency warned, throwing cold water on hopes the coronavirus will cap demand and reduce climate-changing emissions.

“In the absence of strong government policies, a sustained economic recovery and low oil prices are likely to take global oil demand back to where it was, and beyond,” Fatih Birol said in an interview.

If true, that would have huge implications for climate change as burning less oil would permanently reduce greenhouse emissions, easing the way to meet the goals of the Paris climate agreement. But Birol warned governments that the coronavirus will only reduce oil demand briefly, with consumption dipping in 2020 to about 91 million barrels a day, before rebounding in 2021 and beyond.

The more ambitious target set under the Paris climate agreement -- limiting the temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius -- will require annual global emissions to be reduced by about half by 2030 and to hit net-zero around the middle of the century. Without deep structural changes, emissions are expected to rise again when economies recover.

The IEA, which advises the world’s richest countries on oil policy, is sticking to its view that global oil demand will continue to increase over the next decade or so, before reaching a plateau around 2030. In a report published in November 2019, the agency said global petroleum consumption was likely to reach about 105 million barrels a day by 2030 and about 106 million by 2040.

